Denbighshire’s Carers Charter

The Charter had been produced in consultation with local adult and young carers and Denbighshire Carer’s Strategy Group.

Everyone recognises and values the contribution that unpaid carers make

We want to encourage organisations across Denbighshire to adopt carer-friendly practices and, with charter status, organisations will be able to showcase their commitment to supporting carers within their businesses, schools, colleges and communities.

To ensure all carers receive understanding and the best quality support

regardless of where they are in their caring journey e.g. new to caring, have been caring for a while or when their caring role has come to an end.

Our pledge to both Adult and Young Carers

  1. The right to be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity.
  2. The right to an individual assessment for the needs of the carer to be identified separately from the person for whom they are caring.
  3. Voice, Choice and Control – The right to say no.
  4. The right to expect services to provide appropriate information in a form and language of their choice.
  5. The right to an independent life with support and encouragement to pursue their own interests.
  6. The right to tailored and quality services, close to home.
  7. Carers can be of any age and are individuals in their own right.
  8. Opportunities to access relevant education and training.
  9. The right to help and advice when the caring role changes or comes to an end.

Young Carer

A person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care to another person.

Work is taking place to promote carer recognition in primary and secondary schools and it is hoped that the Carers Charter will help to increase the support and services for Young Carers.

The focus is on recognition that Young Carers are children and young people first.

  1. The right to expect schools, colleges and other places of learning to provide appropriate and accessible information to enable children and young people to recognise, understand and self-identify themselves in the role of a Young Carer. 
  2. The right to expect staff to be well trained in identifying and understanding the issues and challenges for Young Carers and if necessary to help them to access appropriate support.
  3. The right to experience the same opportunities as their peers and able to maintain contact with friends by having a break from their caring responsibilities, enabling them to have an independent life.
  4. The right to expect to be fully supported during their education (including their overall health and wellbeing, not just their education needs).
  5. Opportunities to access training, education, volunteering and employment.
  6. Young Carers who leave school can expect support to achieve their goals and ambitions including support and encouragement to apply for University.

For further information on the support that is available to carers in Denbighshire please contact Denbighshire Single Point of Access by phone on 0300 456 1000 or email to