UKSPF project: The Regional Innovation and Skills Network

Project lead: Wrexham Glyndwr University (WGU)
Project overview
The Regional Innovation and Skills Network will stimulate collaborative research and development / innovation / continuous professional development activities leading to improved business outcomes for the region’s Small and Medium Enterprises.
Building on existing WGU schemes, enhanced financial support will enable companies in North East Wales to develop collaborative research projects and identify emerging training gaps. Support would include:
- enhanced participation in WGU’s existing ‘Ladder of Innovation’ including Knowledge Transfer (KT) vouchers, allowing access to academic time, skills, materials, equipment, and training
- contribution towards mini and full Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP), enabling deeper collaborations and increasing graduate employment
- knowledge exchange / training analysis network events, bringing businesses and partners together leading to new courses
Project updates
March 2024
The Innovation Skills Network was launched in December with a networking event on campus which attracted over 60 companies. Several organisations in Denbighshire are already benefitting from the project, including:
- Clwyd Alyn – have begun running a Mini Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) to investigate sustainability issues on a new development.
- Llangollen Railway Trust - has taken up several KT Vouchers and will also be running a Mini KTP.