Welsh medium education: Myth Busters

We've put the answers to the most common Welsh medium education myths we get asked about by parents and guardians.

Nobody speaks Welsh at home

Question: Does it matter if Welsh is not spoken at home?

Answer: Not at all.

The vast majority of children in Welsh medium education in Wales do not speak Welsh at home and the curriculum is designed with that in mind. All pupils regardless of the language spoken at home quickly become fluent in Welsh.

Help with Homework

Question: How can I help my child with homework if I don’t speak Welsh?

Answer: Staff at Welsh medium schools are very experienced in supporting both pupils and parents. Homework instructions will be given in both English and Welsh until they become independent learners.  Schools will support parents in a variety of ways to ensure homework can be completed successfully.

Learning Welsh together

Question: Can I learn Welsh alongside my child?

Answer: Some parents, after choosing a Welsh medium school for their child, decide to learn Welsh as well. It’s a great opportunity to learn together, to practise your language skills on each other and spend quality time together.

Welsh for Adults courses are available and are suitable for learners at all levels. For further information, please visit Dysgu Cymraeg (external website)

Attainment in English

Question: Will attending a Welsh medium school affect my child’s attainment in English?

Answer: Absolutely not.

Pupils leaving Welsh medium primary schools reach exactly the same standard of English as those in English medium primary schools. Learners in Welsh medium secondary schools follow the same English curriculum at GCSE and A-level as those in English medium schools.

Nearest Welsh medium school

Question: The nearest school to my home is an English medium school. Can my child attend a Welsh medium school?

Answer: Yes.

It is an entitlement for all pupils to attend a Welsh medium school in Denbighshire. Free travel will be provided to those living over two miles from their nearest Welsh medium school.