Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) collections service: Terms and conditions

Service registration will reopen at the end of the summer 2024.


  1. Eligibility
    1. Households with babies or children in nappies, and adults who use incontinence products, can register for the new AHP collections service.
    2. The property address provided when registering to the new service must be the main home of the person who produces the waste.
    3. Residents not eligible are:
      1. those whose visitors produce the AHP waste, such as grandchildren or older relatives who don’t live at the property, and
      2. registered childminders, people that own/manage nurseries, care homes, nursing homes or hospitals. Businesses must arrange a separate trade waste collection for their AHP waste.

Your AHP Service

  1. Your AHP Service
    1. Denbighshire County Council (DCC) will collect AHP waste from residents’ homes every week, once registered for the service.
    2. Once registered, DCC will deliver the following items to the registered home:
      1. a black caddy with purple lid,
      2. a supply of purple single-use sacks (to put inside the caddy),
      3. a set of 'reorder' tags, and
      4. a letter confirming the collection day, with a reminder about what we will collect as part of this new service.
    3. The types of AHP waste DCC will collect as part of the new collections service include:
      1. nappies, nappy bags and wipes,
      2. disposable bed pans and liners,
      3. incontinence pads,
      4. bed and chair pads,
      5. colostomy and stoma bags,
      6. catheter bags and urine bottles, and
      7. plastic gloves and disposable aprons.
    4. DCC will not collect the following items as part of the new AHP collections service:
      1. clinical waste, such as dressings or bandages contaminated with blood, needles, syringes and other sharp items,
      2. sanitary products, such as sanitary liners, tampons and towels,
      3. any items that can be recycled from home using other Council-provided containers, and
      4. any items that can be recycled at a Council-managed Household Waste Recycling Centre.
    5. Registered residents should:
      1. put only the correct items in their purple single-use sacks,
      2. tie their sacks securely, then put them in their black caddy,
      3. close the lid on their caddy,
      4. place their caddy at their collection point before 7am on their collection day, and
      5. collect their caddy from their collection point once DCC has collected its contents.
    6. DCC will continue to provide assisted collections to residents who currently receive this service.
    7. Registrations last for one year. DCC will contact those registered before the end of their one-year registration asking if they’d like to register for another year, subject to meeting the service’s criteria.

Breach of Terms

  1. Breach of Terms
    1. If a registered user puts items in their caddy that shouldn’t be there, DCC will consider this a:
      1. First offence. DCC won’t collect its contents. DCC will:
        1. deliver to the registered resident a flyer that’ll remind them about what they can and can’t put in their caddy, and
        2. put a sticker or tag on their caddy asking them to sort its contents, so they may put out their correctly filled caddy again on their next collection day
      2. Second offence. DCC won’t collect its contents. DCC will:
        1. deliver to the registered resident another flyer and
        2. put another sticker or tag on their caddy.
      3. Third offence. DCC won’t collect its contents. DCC will:
        1. cancel the resident’s registration for the service.
    2. If a registered resident uses the service to dispose of anything other than for its intended purpose, DCC will cancel their registration.
    3. If a registered resident fails to provide truthful and accurate information when registering for the service, DCC will cancel their registration.
    4. If a registered resident doesn’t use the service for three collections in a row, DCC will cancel their registration. If the resident would like to continue using the service, they’ll have to register again.
    5. If a registered resident needs to suspend their registration to the service at any time, for any reason – for example, if they’re going on holiday for an extended period - they should contact DCC.