UKSPF project: North East Wales Heritage Skills Partnership

Project lead: The Little Learning Company
Project overview
This heritage and skills project will support and protect heritage crafts, construction, and engineering through the creation of training and knowledge sharing opportunities across sites in Denbighshire, putting North Wales at the forefront of heritage skills delivery.
The project will:
- increase the training capacity within the sector
- create and facilitate knowledge sharing opportunities to support the existing heritage skills network
- develop and deliver new opportunities for people aged 16+ to join the sector
- create a number of progression opportunities for people to progress to FE, HE, or employment
- help to address the heritage skills shortage
- align heritage skills provision to mainstream funding
- provide new opportunities to increase their numeracy skills
Project updates
March 2024
The Little Learning Company has made a lot of progress with their project in recent months.
They started renting the Armoury Conservation Trust (ACT) Lock Up from the 1 of Feb and will continue to do so until the 31 of October 2024. They’ve been able to use the space for course delivery, meetings and storage.
They have delivered a number of courses, including crafting, dry stone walling, wet felting, peg loom weaving and a level 2 accredited Train the Trainer course with many more courses planned.