UKSPF project: Feasibility Study Fund

Project lead: Denbighshire County Council
Project overview
The Economic and Business Development team within Denbighshire County Council have responsibility for driving economic development and regeneration across the whole county.
A robust pipeline of potential future projects is maintained and actively reviewed against funding options on an ongoing basis.
Potential projects are aligned with DCC’s corporate strategies and materialise out of need, with support from Councillors, communities and businesses.
Project update
March 2024
Two feasibility studies have been completed, with another one in currently in progress. A further 5 have consultants appointed or earmarked for the projects to begin shortly, and another two have engagement ongoing within the service to find the optimum consultants and project plans.
All projects are currently running in line with planned development timeframes. The projects already completed have given Denbighshire County Council credible and valuable information on future work and priorities. Further promising studies are expected to be delivered which will outline future projects and priorities within the Council and highlight the feasibility of deliverability.