Prosperous: Town Centre Improvements and Tourism

Funded by UK Government logo

The 'Town Centre Improvements and Tourism' theme aims to support our town centres and economic recovery.

Interventions, outputs and outcomes

Capital and revenue expenditure in years one, two and three for town centre improvements and tourism
 Year Capital Revenue
 Year 2  £206,400  £48,000
 Year 3  £528,000  £768,000


  • W1: Funding for improvements to town centres and high streets, including better accessibility for disabled people, including capital spend and running costs
  • W4: Enhanced support for existing cultural, historic and heritage institutions that make up the local cultural and heritage offer, including improvements to access to sites to counter the effects of isolation, particularly for older people and disabled people.
  • W8: Funding for the development and promotion of wider campaigns and year-round experiences which encourage people to visit and explore the local area.
  • W14: Funding to support relevant feasibility studies.
  • W16: Investment in open markets and improvements to town centre retail and service sector infrastructure, with wrap around support for small businesses.
  • W17: Funding for the development and promotion (both trade and consumer) of the visitor economy, such as local attractions, trails, tours and tourism products more generally.


Outputs for town centre improvements and tourism
 OutputsTarget (numerical value)
Amount of public realm created or improved (m2) (W1)  2,120
Number of Tourism, Culture or Heritage assets created or improved(W4)  10
Number of events/ participatory programmes (W4)  12
Number of people reached (W8)  50,000
Number of feasibility studies developed as a result of support (W14)  12
Number of local markets created or supported (W16)  1
Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants (W16)  5
Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (W17)  200
Number of local events or activities supported (W17)  100


Outcomes for town centre improvements and tourism
 OutcomesTarget (numerical value)
Increased footfall (W1, W8, W16) Target not currently set
Increased visitor numbers (W1, W8) Target not currently set
Improved perceived/experienced accessibility (W1) Target not currently set
Improved perceptions of facilities/ amenities (W1) Target not currently set
The number of projects arising from funded feasibility studies (W14) Target not currently set
Jobs created as a result of support (W16)  15
Number of new enterprises created as a result of support (W16)  10


The projects for this theme are: