A carer’s emergency card is a card you carry with you, so that if you have an accident or sudden illness while you are out, the emergency services will know that there is someone at home who could not manage without help.
How does it work?
When you register, you will give the details of the person you care for, along with the contact details of up to two nominated people who could step in to take your place in an emergency. This information is registered with Denbighshire Social Services.
The people you nominate should know the person you care for, and how much help and support they need. They will have to give their permission to be contacted, and they will have to know how to access your home and what to do in an emergency.
In the event of an accident, when the emergency services find the card in your purse or wallet they will contact us quoting the unique registration number on the card. We will then contact one of your nominated people so that they can step in.
You can still register even if there is nobody you can nominate. If there is an emergency and you don’t have anyone to step in, Denbighshire Social Services will respond.
Carers emergency card: information leaflet (PDF, 267KB)
How can I get a carer's emergency card?
The emergency card scheme is managed by the North East Wales Carers Information Service (NEWCIS). To register, you can either email them at denbighshire@newcis.org.uk or call them on 01745 331181.
NEWCIS will send you a review form every year to make sure the information they hold about you is still correct. If anything changes, it’s important that you contact them to let them know. They will pass this information on to Denbighshire Social Services.