Schools: Performance Management

The head teacher will determine the timing of the appraisal cycle for every teacher at the school. Timings should be laid out in the school’s Performance Management Policy and should  also link with the school’s planning cycle including the School Improvement Plan.

Examples of a school Performance Management cycle:

Performance Management

For this stage of the cycle, schools should review their appraisal/performance management and also their procedures. These are examples of what questions should be addressed:

  • What is the line management structure
    - is this fit for purpose to inform pay?
  • Do teachers and line managers know what is expected of them?
  • What systems of quality assurance are there?
  • How are targets set and agreed?
  • What evidence is gathered?
  • What feedback is given?
  • Does this process help to raise standards?


Objectives and targets need to be reviewed in order to see if these are able to be used to inform the appraisal process. Objectives must:

  • be clear and easily understood
  • relate to the current job description
  • there should be no reference to extra curricular activities
  • the pay policy should make clear how pay will be determined when teachers are absent for any reason, for example, maternity or long-term sick leave.
  • shared objectives may be used
  • timescales for each objective must be realistic


The budget of the school needs to be reviewed in order to take into account pay progression of any teacher.

Governors will need to consider budgetary implications of the pay decisions and consider their spending plans.

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