About public rights of way

Public rights of way are open to everyone at all times, and give you the right to walk across certain routes such as roads, paths or tracks, which may run through towns, remote countryside or private property. Some rights of way are open to horse riders, cyclists and motorists.

Report a problem using a right of way

If you have a problem using a right of way, such as an obstruction, poor maintenance or a misleading sign, please contact us.

Make a claim for a public right of way

If you have been stopped from using a route which you believe you have access to, please contact us.

Public rights of way or path enquiry

If you want to make a claim, we will send you the necessary paperwork, which you will need to complete and return to us, along with copies of the evidence to support your claim. When we receive your application, we will record it on the register, which is available for public inspection. We will investigate your claim, and make a decision whether to confirm the order for the claim.

Definitive map and statement

This is a legal record of all the public rights of way, and shows the routes of each public footpath and bridleway in the county. You can view the original map and working copies by appointment.

Contact us to make an appointment

We must keep a register of all applications to modify the definitive map.

Public Rights of Way Register

Related documents

Countryside Access Improvement Plan 2018-2028 - Outline and Timetable (PDF, 265KB)