Excellence Denbighshire Awards 

The Excellence Denbighshire Awards recognise and reward the abundance of innovation, hard work and good practice in the council. 

Award categories

Each award has different criteria. Award categories will be open for nominations at different times throughout the year. 

We'll publish information about when nominating for the awards will be open in Denbighshire Today (the daily bulletin) and on this page. 

Select one of the following categories to find out more:

Unsung Hero Award

Candidates are individuals working at any level. Whether a member of our frontline staff or someone working in a back office who may have made a difference to their colleagues’ lives or residents. Candidates for this award can be working at any level.

Working in Partnership

Candidates can be teams, individuals or a service. They need to have demonstrated that they have worked with partners to come up with an idea or deliver a scheme on behalf of the Council.

Chair of the Council's Community Award

This honour will be awarded by the Chair of the Council to a member of staff or team who has made a valuable contribution to the community, such as through volunteering, fund-raising or long service to a specific cause or group. The Chair will judge this award.

Chief Executive Achievement Award

The Chief Executive will choose this award out of the winners of all the other awards, taking his values and principles into consideration.

Customer Experience Award

Candidates can be either a team or an individual. The candidates need to have gone out of their way to improve the customer experience, demonstrating the Council’s Values.

Team Award

Candidates are teams working at all levels and from all areas of the Council. The team needs to have worked together, using the talents of all their members, overcoming challenges to improve the lives of colleagues and/or residents.

Inspirational Team Leader

Candidates for this award could be working at any level of management. They should be leaders who have really inspired, empowered, supported and motivated their teams to improve both how they work together and the service they deliver.

Rising Star Award

Candidates are new members of staff who have been working with the Council for up to two years. They should have shown early promise and exceptional achievement as well as effectively demonstrating their commitment to the Council in both its ethos and values.

Welsh Language Award

Candidates should have made a valuable contribution to the development of the Welsh language, for enhancing the Welsh culture within the Council or for demonstrating empathy for the Welsh Language. The Welsh Language Officer will be part of the judging panel for this award.

Related pages

Welsh Language and Equalities - How we will work

Innovation or Improvement Award

Candidates can be either a team or an individual. They should have come up with a unique and creative way to deliver better care or an improved service – it could be something very simple that has been demonstrated to make a significant difference.

Nominating a person or team for an award

You must be an employee of Denbighshire County Council to make a nomination. 

All award categories are currently closed for nominations at the moment. 

After making a nomination

Details of any nominations will be kept private until the awards are announced. 

We may need to contact you for more information if your nomination is shortlisted for an award.