Statistics and data

Key statistics and data about Denbighshire.

Services and information


Sets of data that you can download and reuse.

Education: My Local School (external website)

Information about local schools.

Planning services performance reports (external website)

View the all-Wales planning annual performance reports on Gov.Wales.

Data Unit Wales (external website)

Data and data analysis from the Local Government Data Unit.

Open data (external website)

Find data published by central government, local authorities and public bodies.

StatsWales (external website)

Detailed official data on Wales.

Children's services statistics and performance data

Children's Services statistics and performance data.

Social services annual report

Every year, social services produce a report that looks at how effective we have been in meeting the needs of our local communities over the past year.

Reviewing the council's performance

We continually review our performance, to check our progress, identify any areas where we may be off-track, and take action to make sure we achieve our goals.

North Wales Population Assessment

Download a copy of the full population assessment report, alternative versions and background information.

North Wales Market Stability Report

The report includes information about the availability of care and support across the region and recommends ways to make sure enough support is available in future.

Public Services Board (PSB) Well-being assessment

Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board publishes an assessment of well-being for the area.