UKSPF project: Denbighshire Woodland Creation Project

Project lead: Denbighshire County Council
Project overview
This project is aimed at enhancing and improving approximately 55.5 hectares of council owned land for carbon sequestration, biodiversity and the community.
It will deliver increased broadleaf woodland and species richness on 5 areas of greenspace in a variety of settings from urban residential to upland hillside, as well as improved access to greenspace and nature for the community for leisure, wellbeing, education and volunteering opportunities.
It will also contribute to the council and national ambitions to be net carbon zero and more ecologically positive by 2030.
Project updates
March 2024
Staff from Denbighshire County Council’s Countryside Services Rangers, Biodiversity Team and Climate Team, assisted by enthusiastic volunteers from the local communities, interest groups and schools, planted the first 11,000 trees (of approximately 40,000 trees in the project) before Easter.
Preparation works have been carried out at the majority of sites, including fencing, improved entrance gateways and excavating ponds. Other construction activities such as footpath construction and supply of furniture are being procured for installation over the Summer before tree planting resumes in Autumn at the fourth community site and at a hillside site in the AONB.
Tree planting has also commenced at five of eight schools as part of their biodiversity management plans, with the other three scheduled for Autumn term.