UKSPF project: Ruthin Town Hall Community Hwb

Project lead: Ruthin Artisan Markets CIC
Project overview
This project aims to create a Community Hwb for people of all ages and abilities in Ruthin, by improving facilities of Market Hall, the Town Hall and the Old Fire Station, including:
- opening up access points through the buildings, making them easily accessible
- making changes to the rear including improving the parking areas to make them cohesive
- adding:
- a sensory garden for dementia sufferers
- play area for children
- seating area for people to meet
- a community garden for the community group Incredible Edible
- Shop Mobility
- a Changing Place facility within the Town Hall
Project update
May 2024
This project has completed a secondary glazing survey, a tree survey and asbestos removal. Plans for the project have been on display at the Old Courthouse on Ruthin Square for the public to view and provide feedback via survey. This was also publicised in the local media to help boost the number of responses.
Working relationships have been established with a number of organisations who wish to book the space for various activities and event once it is ready, including:
- Youth Shedz
- Stand North Wales
- Dementia Friendly Ruthin and the Community Choir
- Ruthin Festival
- Mudiad Meithrin
- U3A Ruthin and District
- Ruthin Panto Society
- Ruthin Arts Network
- Outside Lives Ltd