Performance appraisals (schools)

Performance management provides an opportunity for employees to have a structured and productive conversation with a manager about their performance and development needs.

The primary objective of the performance development review is the development of employees through the provision of a supportive environment that allows employees to excel in their role.


You will have the opportunity to discuss your career and personal development with your line manager at your annual appraisal.

The discussion will look at your individual performance and contribution, your training and development needs and provides you with the opportunity to ensure that your job description accurately reflects your duties.

You will discuss your strengths and jointly set future expectations and identify training and development priorities.

Whatever your role with Denbighshire County Council, you can influence your own career progression according to your capabilities and ambitions. The aim is to develop our employees so both you and the council continue to flourish.

Related documents

One to Ones

A good way for managers to develop performance is to conduct a regular one on one meeting with employees to review progress against their performance objectives and development plan.

One to one form (schools-only) (MS Word, 19KB)