Charitable collections

You must get a permit from us to carry out charitable collections.

This is because fundraising is one of the main influences on the public's perception of charity, the methods used and the integrity of the fundraising are crucial to public confidence.

Street collections

If you want to collect money or sell items on the street for the benefit of a charity, you will need a street collection licence.

It’s a common misconception that you do not need a permit if you are collecting money on private property. You still need a street collection permit if public access to the area where you are collecting is not restricted. This includes public spaces such as parks and shop doorways.

Only one street collection is permitted in each town or community each week. Societies may only carry out one collection in each town or community in a twelve month period.

We recommend that you contact us directly on 01824 706342 to provisionally reserve a date to carry out your collection, before you apply for a street collection licence.

How do I apply for this licence?

The quickest and easiest way to get a street collection licence is to apply online.

Apply online for a street collection licence (external website)

If we have not granted your organisation a street collection licence before, you must also provide these documents with your application:

  • a copy of the organisation’s constitution
  • a copy of the organisation’s latest audited accounts 
  • details of any previous collections carried out by the organisation (if any)

You must apply for a licence at least one month before the date of the proposed collection.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for a street collection licence.

Returns forms

After you have carried out your street collection, you must complete a returns form. This gives details of the people who took part in the collection, the amount of money collected, and any expenses incurred.

Street collection returns form (PDF, 16KB)

When you’ve completed the form, return it to:

Licensing Team
Denbighshire County Council
PO Box 62
LL15 9AZ

House to house collections

If you want to collect money or goods (and you plan to sell these goods at a later date) from people’s homes for charity, you must apply for a licence.

You must apply for a licence if you’re a small charity or a community group, such as the scouts or girl guides.

If you don’t apply for a licence before you start collecting, you could face a fine of up to £1,000 and up to 6 months in prison.

How do I apply for this licence?

The quickest and easiest way to get a house to house collection licence is to apply online.

Apply online for a house to house collection licence (external website)

You must apply for your licence at least 20 working days before you plan to start collecting.

You must include the names of any people who will be collecting on behalf of the charity or organisation. These are known as the authorised collectors.

You must contact us beforehand to book a time slot to carry out the collections. You are allowed to carry out collections for up to 2 weeks per town in any calendar year.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for a house to house collection licence.

Small society lotteries

A society lottery is a lottery promoted for the benefit of a society whose aims and work are for charitable purposes. You do not need a licence to run a small society lottery, but you must register with the council.

Find out more about registering a small society lottery.