The Leader, Cabinet and elected Councillors 

The council has 48 councillors, representing 29 wards, and serving approximately 94,000 people. The last election was held in May 2022, and the next one is expected to take place in 2027.

Full council meetings are held at least 8 times a year, and are attended by all 48 councillors. They discuss issues such as the council’s performance in delivering services, the setting of council tax, partnerships with other public services and the impact of government policy on residents of Denbighshire.


The Leader of the council is Councillor Jason McLellan. The leader is elected by full council, and has the post until the next election. The leader appoints the cabinet, and guides the political direction of the council.

Deputy Leader

The Deputy Leader is Councillor Julie Matthews.


The Chairman of the council is Councillor Peter Scott. The Chairman is elected by full council at an annual meeting in May, and has the post for one year. The Chairman is politically impartial. The Chairman chairs meetings of the full council and carries out a range of community and ceremonial duties.

Contact the Chairman

Vice Chairman

The Vice Chairman is Councillor Diane King.


Cabinet is made up of 9 councillors, including the council leader and their deputy. Each of the 9 members has responsibility for a specific policy area, known as a portfolio.

Cabinet meet every six weeks to determine policy and make decisions on how services are provided in Denbighshire.