Recycling at Llangollen Pavilion, Llangollen

You'll need to book an appointment before visiting a Recycling and Waste Park.

Find out how to book a space at a Recycling and Waste Park

Llangollen Pavilion
Abbey Road
LL20 8SW

Only Denbighshire (Dee Valley) residents can use this service

You will need to provide proof that you are a Denbighshire resident (e.g. drivers licence or utility bill) to use this service.

Non Denbighshire residents will not be permitted entry.

Opening times

9am to 11am every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month for recycling, waste and garden waste disposal.

Find out more about the similar service at Corwen.

What can I bring?

  • Household items such as furniture, hard plastic (for example, toys), scrap metal, electrical items (for example fridges, cookers) and bulky items like mattresses.
  • Recycling such as plastic bottles, tin cans, cardboard, paper and glass bottles / jars.
  • Garden waste (not soil – please shake of soil from plants and shrubs).
  • Non-recyclable items such as polystyrene.

What can't I bring?

  • Please do not bring unsorted waste – make sure you separate recyclable items before you come.
  • We cannot accept hazardous waste, DIY waste or construction waste such as rubble, soil, bricks, tiles, gas bottles, roofing felt, windows, doors, wood or plasterboard. You will need to take these items to the Household Recycling Centres.

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