Your journey with Denbighshire County Council has begun. Here is an explanation of what we expect whilst on your 6 month probationary period.
Please note that teachers and/or non NJC staff will not be subject to a 6 month probationary period.
Month 1: Congratulations
Now that you are employed with Denbighshire County Council you will have 9 mandatory E-Learning modules to complete, Corporate Induction being the first module.
You should complete this module prior to you starting but if not please ensure you complete as soon as possible. On your first day you will also complete a Departmental induction with your manager.
You will also be given objectives that you will be working on towards your Stage 1 Probationary Meeting (3 months).
Month 2: Settling In
Month 2 will be about you settling in finding your feet and getting to know your way around the site, systems and the Council. If you have any queries please speak to your manager.
You will have 4 E-Learning modules you will need to complete by Stage 1 Probationary Meeting (3 months). These are:
- Code of conduct
- Violence against women
- Equalities
- Safeguarding
Your manager should give you time to complete these.
You will also be contacted to arrange a meet and greet session with the Chief Executive.
Month 3: Probationary period half way point
You will need to complete 4 of the mandatory E-Learning modules by month 3. These are:
- Code of conduct
- Violence against women
- Equalities
- Safeguarding
You will have a Stage 1 Probationary meeting (3 months) with your manager to assess your progress.
You will also meet your relevant Head of Service.
Month 4: Ongoing Induction Training
By month 4 you should have a good understanding of your department and feel very much part of a team.
You should have completed 4 E-Learning modules and will have had your Stage 1 Probationary Meeting (3 months).
A further 5 E-Learning modules will need to be completed by Stage 2 Probationary Meeting (5 months). These are:
- Carer Awareness
- Data Protection
- Whistleblowing
- Welsh Language Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness
Ensure that your manager allows you the time to complete these.
Month 5: Stage 2 Probationary Period Meeting (at 5 months)
At this point you will have another review meeting, where you will need to have completed a further 5 E-Learning modules. These are:
- Carer Awareness
- Data Protection
- Whistleblowing
- Welsh Language Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness
You should have attended the meet and greet session with the Chief Executive. If not please contact Eleri Evans (PA to the Chief Executive).
Month 6: Stage 3 Probationary Period Meeting (6 months)
By this stage you need to have completed all the E-Learning mandatory modules. These are:
- Carer Awareness
- Corporate Induction
- Code of Conduct
- Violence against women
- Equalities
- Safeguarding
- Data Protection
- Whistleblowing
- Welsh Language Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness
You will also have met with your manager at 3 and 5 months to review your progress.
Further objectives will now be set for you to work towards your first One to One meeting, which will be your next milestone.
Performance Management
We want all our employees to excel in their roles and develop their career with us.
You will be given objectives to work towards, and your manager will meet with you and your team on a regular basis via the one to one process.
At each one to one meeting, you will discuss your objectives set and how well you have achieved these. At the one to one meeting, it will also give you the opportunity to talk about any development needs that may arise over the course of the year, together with your career aspirations.

Beyond your Probationary Period
Learning and Development
Once you have successfully completed your probationary period, you will have ongoing support in terms of your learning and your development.
A variety of different interactive modules, which you can access from the E-Learning portal anytime and anywhere.
Training courses or events which you may need to attend which will be specific to your role.
Employee Development
Developing your knowledge and competence through national qualifications or courses, which will develop your learning.
Courses and qualifications
Coaching and Mentoring
An opportunity for you to have time to think and develop you personally and professionally in a safe and supportive environment, by experienced practitioners.
Coaching and mentoring
Academi Wales
A range of learning resources, courses and events and networks aimed at leaders and managers.
Academi Wales (external website)
Welsh Language
We encourage our staff to learn Welsh, and we have various options available, ranging from Welsh courses at different levels, to a Welsh walking group where you can practice your Welsh.
Learning Welsh
Ask and Act
The Framework is made up of 6 groups. All professions within the Public Service will fall into one of these groups and a minimum training requirement is outlined per group.
Welsh Government: National Training Framework on violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (external website)
Denbighshire Tourism Ambassador Scheme
The Denbighshire Tourism Ambassador Scheme is designed to improve the visitor experience for people who work, live or study in the area.
The scheme aims to create a baseline knowledge level and sense of place to ensure consistent messages are being communicated about the area.
Denbighshire Tourism Ambassador Scheme (external website)
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