Rhyl Harbour: our services

Boatyard facilities

Rhyl Harbour: Boatyard facilities

Rhyl Harbour offers lift out and storage facilities for yachts and powerboats using our submersible travel hoist. Our sheltered secure yard is accessed via electronic gate using a monitored fob system. Shore power and fresh water is available throughout the yard.

Rhyl Harbour Boat Park information.

Park and launch

Rhyl Harbour: Park and Launch

Our Park and launch packages offer 12 months storage for trailered boats with unlimited launch and recover from our manned tractor. During the summer we operate 08:00 - 20:00 (tide permitting), and access is available 2.5 hours either side of high water.

Park and Launch information.


Rhyl Harbour: Moorings

Our fore and aft moorings are available in 8, 10 or 12 metre - limited pontoon berths are also available. Please be advised Rhyl Harbour is a drying harbour with all berths and mooring drying at low water.

Mooring fees.

Contact us

The Harbour Office
Horton's Nose Lane
LL18 5AX

Phone: 01824 708400

Email: rhyl.harbour@denbighshire.gov.uk