Local Development Plan: evidence, monitoring and information
LDP Annual Monitoring Report
Under the obligations of section 76 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, as amended, and section 37 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005, the Council is duty bound to produce an annual monitoring report for submission to Welsh Government (WG) by 31st October each year and publication on its website.
Monitoring represents an essential feedback loop within the process of policy-making. It should identify the key challenges, opportunities and possible ways forward for revising and adjusting local policies. The process is a tool for measuring the relevance and success of the LDP and identifying any changes necessary. It also provides feedback on the extent to which the LDP Strategy and policies are being delivered and achieved.
Joint Housing Land Availability Studies
Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2019 (PDF, 537KB)
Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment - Update
Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment - Final Report (January 2018) (PDF, 15.09MB)
Appendix A - Detailed Settlements
Appendix B
Development Site Assessment (MS Excel, 57KB)
Appendix C
Natural Resources Wales Flood Zones (PDF, 3.71MB)
Wind farms
Local Housing Market Assessment
Local Housing Market Assessment Need, Demand and Affordability in Denbighshire (PDF, 1.85MB)
Retail Study - Capacity
Denbighshire Retail Study 2018 - Retail Capacity (PDF, 6.43MB)
Open Space Assessment and Audit
Open Space Assessment and Audit (PDF, 12.44MB)
Town Centre Assessments
Denbighshire Town Centres Assessment - Final Report (PDF, 3MB)
Town Centre Health Check
Employment Land and Economic Growth Assessment
New housing occupancy survey
New Housing Occupancy Survey (PDF, 577KB)
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