Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2021 to 2026

Denbighshire’s Housing & Homelessness Strategy is the overarching document which deals with a range of housing and homelessness issues. It has been developed around the vision of ‘Everyone is supported with pride to live in homes that meet their needs, within the vibrant and sustainable communities Denbighshire aspires to’.

To deliver this vision the Strategy has been devised under six themes, all of which are interlinked:

  1. more homes to meet local need and demand
  2. creating a supply of affordable homes
  3. ensuring safe and healthy homes
  4. preventing and ending homelessness in Denbighshire
  5. homes and support for vulnerable people
  6. promoting and supporting communities

The Strategy has been devised taking into account Denbighshire’s Corporate Plan, climate and ecological change, homelessness and young people’s challenges with housing and details the measures developed to address them.

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