Public transport

Find everything you need to get around Denbighshire, from buses and trains to school transport.

Services and information


1bws. One ticket. One network. 100s of possibilities.

Plan your journey (external website)

Use the Traveline Cymru website to plan your journey.

Bus timetables

Find information about bus times.

Find a bus stop or bus station

Information about bus stops and bus stations in Denbighshire.

Apply for a bus pass

What you need and how to apply for a bus pass.

My Travel Pass (external website)

Save money by applying for mytravelpass to get discounted travel for all 16-21 year olds across Wales.

Free school and college transport

Information about free transport to schools and colleges.

Complaints about public transport

How to make a complaint about public transport.

Report a problem with a bus service

Report a problem with a bus service.