What do I do with plastic packaging?

You can recycle plastic packaging using the appropriate container for your recycling and waste collections service or at a Recycling and Waste Park:
Trolibocs service
the middle box (with the red flap) of the trolibocs.
Bag service
the red reusable bag.
Communal bin service
the black bin with red sticker.
Black plastic is not currently wanted by any re-processors as it cannot be recycled like other plastic packaging. Please put black plastic packaging in your general waste container.
Please remove any plastic film lids and place them in your general waste container.
More information
The household recycling and waste services are only for residents of Denbighshire.
Businesses, charities and public sector organisations have the option of using our trade waste services or a private licensed waste management contractor.
Find out more, including what trade waste services we offer.