
Find out what help and support is available for adults in Denbighshire.

Services and information

Safeguarding adults

What to do if you fear an adult is at risk of abuse.

What matters to you and how you can help yourself

Find out how to get help with everyday tasks so that you can stay in your own home.

Is my home suitable for me?

Changing and improving my home so that I can live safe and independently.

Talking Points

Talking Points are a way for people to find out what help and support is available in their local area to improve their health and well-being.

Help to live at home

If you have problems moving around safely, even with the help of equipment, we may be able to give you some support to help you to continue to live at home.

Domestic abuse

There are a number of organisations that can help if you or someone you know suffer from domestic abuse.

Mental Capacity Act

Support for people whose ability to make decisions is affected by mental health issues.


Information and advice for people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.

Paying for care

You may have to contribute to the cost of your care.


What is dementia, how to get help and how the Council is working toward becoming dementia friendly.

Changes to care and support in Wales

Find out how these changes support your independence.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards provide legal protection for vulnerable people in hospital or a care home.

Preventing falls

There is a falls prevention service in North Wales for anyone over 65 who has had a fall, or is fearful of having a fall.


Telecare is a specific kind of assistive technology which uses sensors and alarms to keep people safe in their homes whilst maintaining their independence.

Market position statement

We commission social care and support services for adults from many different organisations.

Single Point of Access

Information about the about the Single Point of Access

Substance misuse

Support and guidance for people affected by the misuse of alcohol, illegal drugs, or over-the-counter or prescription medications.

Sensory loss

Information about the support available for people with sensory loss such as deafness, hard of hearing, blindness, vision impairment or deafblindness.

Lasting Power of Attorney

A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you appoint one or more people to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf.